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Wiesbaden – die hessische Landeshauptstadt


Die zweitgrößte Stadt Hessens mit rund 290.000 Einwohnern zeichnet sich als wirtschaftliches und kulturelles Zentrum aus. Das vielfältige Freizeitangebot schafft einen enormen Naherholungswert. Die kreisfreie Stadt wird für ihre heilsamen Thermalquellen und Bäder geschätzt. Die traditionsreiche Kurstadt verfügt über eine einzigartige Architektur in vielen verschiedenen Epochen.  Die Landeshauptstadt bietet in mehreren Hochschulen diverse Studiengänge an. Darüber hinaus ist die renommierte EBS eine der führenden privaten Wirtschaftsuniversitäten im benachbarten Eltville ansässig. Mit rund 11.000 Studierenden konnte sich Wiesbaden als Bildungsstandort etablieren. Die angrenzende Rheingauregion ist für ihren vielfältigen Weinanbau weltbekannt. Die traumhafte Umgebung lädt Jung und Alt zu Fahrradtouren, Wanderungen und Weinproben in Häckerwirtschaften ein.


Die Wirtschaftsschwerpunkte der Stadt liegen in den Bereichen Medien, Verwaltungen, Consulting, Gesundheitswesen, Finanzen und Versicherungen. Mit rund 29.000 Gewerbetreibenden, 138.000 sozialversicherungspflichtigen Beschäftigten und einem Beschäftigungsanstieg in den vergangenen Jahren wird die Wirtschaftsdynamik der Stadt hervorgehoben. Ein weiteres Indiz für die Position als attraktiver Wirtschaftsstandort zeigt die hohe Zahl der Einpendler mit rund 76.000. Wiesbaden hat aufgrund seiner soliden Basis kleiner und mittlerer Betriebe und international tätiger Großunternehmen hervorragende Zukunfts- und Entwicklungschancen. Die Landeshauptstadt beheimatet eine Vielzahl an Behörden, die interessante Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Die IHK Wiesbaden gründete zudem ein Startup-Netzwerk Wiesbaden-Rheingau-Taunus, die das Ziel verfolgen, die Rahmenbedingungen für Gründer zu verbessern und einen Austausch zwischen den einzelnen Parteien zu ermöglichen. 


Die zahlreichen Facetten der Stadt spiegeln sich in den 20 Vororten und sechs Bezirken wider. Am westlichen Rand des Rhein-Main-Gebiets ist das Stadtbild geprägt durch traumhafte Altbauwohnungen und prunkvolle Villengegenden. In Wiesbaden-Mitte spielt sich das Leben ab und vereinigt Wohnen, Arbeiten und Einkaufen. Der Hessische Landtag und das Rathaus betten sich in mitten des Stadtgrüns ein und laden zu Erkundungstouren mit anschließendem Stadtbummel in der Fußgängerzone ein. Besucher aus der gesamten Region haben die Weinwoche oder der Sternschnuppenmarkt als Ausflugsziel. Im Nordosten Wiesbadens genießt man einen atemberaubenden Blick über die Stadt. Durch den großen Waldflächenanteil, den Kurpark und die zahlreich angelegten Parklandschaften ist es ein besonders beliebter Stadtteil. Dort befinden sich auch das Kurhaus, das Hessische Staatstheater, die Nerobergbahn sowie die Villa Clementine. Der Stadtbezirk Südost besticht vor allen Dingen durch seine Gegensätzlichkeit und bunte Vielfalt. 


Wiesbaden hat auf einer Fläche von 204 km² einiges zu bieten. Die historische Kurstadt ist für ihre erholenden salzhaltigen Thermalquellen bekannt, die bei den Besuchern sehr beliebt sind. Den Mittelpunkt der Altstadt bildet der Schlossplatz, das alte und neue Rathaus, der hessische Landtag sowie die Marktkirche. Am Luisenplatz, der im klassizistischen Stil angelegt wurde, lässt sich die römisch-katholische Bonifatius Kirche bewundern. Neben dem hessischen Staatstheater, Schloss Biebrich und dem Opelbad bietet die Landeshauptstadt eine Vielzahl an Sommer- und Stadtfesten, die eine hohe Popularität genießen. Beliebtestes Ausflugsziel ist der Neroberg, der zu Fuß oder mit der historischen Nassauischen Bahn erreicht werden kann. Der Ausblick, Klettergarten und ein Freizeitbad runden das Ensemble auf der Anhöhe ab. 



Gut vernetzt


Der öffentliche Personennahverkehr besteht aus Buslinien, S-Bahnen und Regionalbahnen. Insgesamt bedienen 45 Buslinien das Stadtgebiet und es lässt sich damit jeden Stadtteil gut erreichen. Der Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof ermöglicht eine leistungsfähige Infrastruktur und besitzt einen ICE-Halt. Es besteht eine direkte Autobahnauffahrt und der Frankfurter Flughafen ist mit dem PKW innerhalb von 25 Minuten zu erreichen. 


Grünste Stadt Europas


Entspannen und Wohlfühlen wird in der Landeshauptstadt großgeschrieben. Prachtvolle Alleen ziehen sich durch die gesamte Stadt und laden zu einem Spaziergang ein. Aber auch die Grünanlage Warmer Damm, der Kurpark und die Kuranlagen sind als grüne Oasen bei der Bevölkerung sehr geschätzt. Der Kurpark, welcher im englischen Landschaftsgartenstil angelegt wurde, ermöglicht zusätzlich eine Bootsfahrt über den Weiher sowie einen Besuch im Biergarten. Wiesbaden weist neben einem hohen Anteil an innerstädtischen Parks und Grünanlagen und der Nähe zum Rhein auch der Taunus mit Höhlen und historischen Burgen in unmittelbarer Umgebung auf.  Ein weiteres Naherholungsziel sind die Weinberge im Rheingau und verleihen der Stadt eine zusätzliche Standortqualität. 


Sharing als Lösung


Die starke Nachfrage am Wiesbadener Wohnungsmarkt kann durch das vorhandene Angebot nur im geringen Maß abgedeckt werden. Der Büromarkt in Wiesbaden verzeichnet sinkende Leerstände, steigende Mieten und eine erhöhte Nachfrage. Doch die Lösung liegt im Trend des Sharings. Eine Bürobeteiligung bringt eine Win-Win-Situation für beide Parteien, da freie Räume nutzbar und die Mietkosten aufgeteilt werden. Hier setzt ShareYourSpace an und bringt Raum-Suchende und -Bietende auf einer online Plattform zusammen. Kurzfristig und unkompliziert kann darüber eine flexible Buchung inklusive Versicherung und Bezahlung über die Plattform abgewickelt werden. 


Bleiben Sie gesund

Covid19 stellt nicht nur die Gesundheitssysteme vor große Herausforderungen, sondern bereitet auch der Wirtschaft existenzielle Sorgen. Die Krise wirft viele Fragen auf und eine Einschätzung der tatsächlichen Auswirkung ist bislang nicht möglich.  Nachstehend erhalten Sie wesentliche Informationen der Stadt Wiesbaden über das Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. 



Weitere wirtschaftliche Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage der IHK Wiesbaden. 



Meeting rooms in Wiesbaden

City description
Wiesbaden is the second largest city in Hesse after Frankfurt am Main and is located on the right bank of the Rhine opposite Mainz. Wiesbaden is known worldwide as an important European spa resort with 15 mineral and thermal springs and has been inspiring travelers since the Roman era. The city grew in the 19th century by the arrival of the imperial court and other distinguished citizens, who had a lasting influence on the old town. The cityscape is adorned by numerous magnificent buildings, with styles ranging from classicism to Art Nouveau. For companies that are organizing meetings once again, freelancers who are looking for a quiet environment for talks with customers and coaching sessions, or large and small teams that want to strengthen their organization through creative workshops: The perfect place for this is a meeting room in the beautiful city of Wiesbaden. We at ShareYourSpace will help you. If the meeting rooms from our portfolio do not meet your requirements and are not suitable for your conference, your project team or your workshop, please contact our Space guides, they will look after you!
Find flexible meeting rooms or the perfect conference location in Wiesbaden
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Meeting rooms, your own office or a desk in Coworking
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At ShareYourSpace you will always find the workspace that suits you and your business.
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The most beautiful meeting rooms in Wiesbaden
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A selection of our most popular meeting and conference rooms in Wiesbaden. Book a free workspace directly or arrange a viewing appointment in advance.
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Meeting rooms centrally located in Wiesbaden

We have selected modular and pleasant meeting rooms in Wiesbaden's city center, located near the main train station, for you. The capacity ranges from small rooms to large rooms for events and business events.
Wiesbaden's city centre offers a pleasant contrast to other major German cities, which are characterised by hustle and bustle. So it is easy to walk by the Heidenmauer during your lunch break and discover the Römertor and the winding streets, such as the well-known Goldgasse with fine restaurants and wine bars. You can watch the goldsmith's art in open studios.

Why rent a meeting room in Wiesbaden?

Wiesbaden flourishes with almost 500 registered companies and counts not only as a sought-after villa suburb near Frankfurt, but also as a business location. From finance and insurance to chemistry, software and media, various industries are represented in the most colorful categories. Popular at trade fairs as well as hobby trade fairs is the RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC), the most visited event space in Wiesbaden. A look at the calendar announces the fiber optic fair, IHK education fair or the Wine Tasting Festival. 

Wiesbaden has a good transport infrastructure for local and regional travel. As a freelancer, team leader or entrepreneur, you can always book one of our fully equipped meeting rooms in this picturesque city in Germany to give your customers and colleagues a unique experience. 

ShareYourSpace presents various meeting and conference rooms in Wiesbaden. You can rent the workspaces on our website for as little as one hour. The attractive, bright and modern conference rooms are also equipped with high-quality digital appliances, printing service and kitchens. Whether you are receiving customers or organizing an event with your team, at least one meeting room is available to you temporarily and flexibly. 

Are you looking for your individual conference room in Wiesbaden? Our convenient reservation system with viewing option makes it easy for you to book. Our space guides will be happy to answer your questions and help you personally with your booking.

Discover Wiesbaden after work

Take a walk and enjoy...
After the Old Kurhaus had to be demolished, the New Kurhaus was opened in 1907 in Wiesbaden. In addition to many ballrooms, the city's casino and the Kurhaus gastronomy are also located here. Directly behind the impressive Kurhaus is the Kurpark with the Kurpark Weiher, which is ideal for a stroll. In summer, boat trips can be enjoyed on the pond. If you prefer a coffee break or aperitif, you will find opportunities to do so at the Nizzaplätzchen right at the main entrance. For entertainment, the Konzertmuschel offers various concerts and events in the evening.


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Coworking in Wiesbaden

City description
Wiesbaden, the state capital of Hesse, is a versatile, impressive, and very green city in the Rhine-Main area. Geographically close to, and with a quick connection to Frankfurt and Mainz, Wiesbaden has an attractive location. With about 290,000 inhabitants, it is not one of the largest cities, but Wiesbaden is known as one of the wealthiest cities in Germany. Historical sights and cultural offerings as well as a variety of restaurants, shopping, some parks and recreation areas give this city its stylish character. The city palace with the Hessian state parliament in the city center and the Kurpark are worth a visit. The three largest employers in Wiesbaden are Abbot, R&V Allgemeine Versicherung and Federal Mogul Holding. The German federal statistics office is based in Wiesbaden. Almost all growth industries are represented in this city and therefore the need for professional coworking is increasing.
Find your flexible coworking space in Wiesbaden
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Whether coworking or real shared spaces - here you will find your new place of work
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Find the right space for your business. Individual desks, a common project area or the lockable office. Search directly for the right office category for you.
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Coworking Spaces in Wiesbaden
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A selection of our most popular coworking spaces in Wiesbaden – from a project office to a representative corner office. Book a free place directly or arrange a viewing appointment.
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Wiesbaden in the Year 2040

With increasing densification between cities, Wiesbaden will be part of the metropolis of Frankfurt-Wiesbaden-Mainz-Hanau in the near future. In the period from about 2035 to 2040, it seems foreseeable that a convergence of Frankfurt, Rüsselsheim, Mainz and Wiesbaden will represent a new order of magnitude for the metropolis of Frankfurt. The forecast for Wiesbaden's population remains positive with additional migration from abroad. 

Why choose Coworking Spaces in Wiesbaden? 

Coworking spaces offer you shorter leases, which is especially advantageous for many freelancers and startups without a long-term budget commitment. A strong network and a university founder vibe is also one of the advantages of a coworking space. Relaxed conversations can take place anywhere in a coworking space, in the shared kitchen, in the friendly designed lounge or even between neighboring desks - from here collaborative work can begin.

The number of coworking spaces that ShareYourSpace offers in Wiesbaden is 16 (April 2022), including desks, offices and meeting rooms, which you can choose from via our platform. They offer comfortable coworking settings with different prices, technical equipment and services. We are sure that there is one that meets your wishes and offers you the ideal environment for efficient and creative work.

Whether you are a founder, entrepreneur, an employee looking for a workplace alternative, or part of a team, ShareYourSpace helps you find an office community in Wiesbaden that offers all the extras you would expect from renting a flexible desk or office. You get high-speed internet, a fully equipped kitchen, a printing service and shared conference rooms - all at a much lower price than with a long-term rental. Find out on our platform how your wishes for coworking spaces in Wiesbaden can be fulfilled.

After Work in Wiesbaden

Stroll along the magnificent boulevard Wilhelmstraße, with a large number of exclusive boutiques and shops with a view of the Hessian State Theatre, the Erbprinzenpalais and the Kurhaus (worthwhile at any time of the day). For active people and nature lovers, the Neroberg with a climbing forest, the Opelbad, a forest adventure trail and a lookout tower are recommended. Wiesbaden not only offers large trade fairs and congresses. Many cultural and gourmet events, such as the Äppelblütenfest, the Kranzplatzfest, the Schiersteiner Hafenfest attract visitors. In the vicinity of Wiesbaden, the Taunus, the Rheingau and Rheinhessen invite you to excursions on weekends.

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Top Coworking Spaces in Wiesbaden's Old Town
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The Old Town of Wiesbaden is the historic city center with magnificent buildings of the 19th century: above all the City Palace, the Market Church, the New Town Hall and the Bonifatiuskirche. The thermal baths, which were already built in Roman times, are today's Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme. Here you can live, work, shop and go out, e.g. for a business lunch in the restaurant Orangerie or in the Ristorante Comeback.

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Rent office space in Wiesbaden

City description
In the heart of the Rhine-Main area, Wiesbaden enchants with its many parks and villas. More than 5,000 years ago, people settled in the area between the Rhine and Taunus, later the Romans left behind advanced thermal baths and fortresses. Today, event venues such as the Rhein Main Congress Center (RMCC), the Kurhaus and the Jagdschloss Platte are popular meeting places for events in the region. As a university location with more than 12,000 students at the Rhein Main University of Applied Sciences, the European Business School and the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden offers a dynamic, young cityscape. The office locations in the Wiesbaden center are in high demand, but also the easily reached suburban districts are in demand for production, industry, trade and for office locations.
Find your flexible office in Wiesbaden
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Looking for an office in Wiesbaden
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Whether a communication expert or a large company, whether inexpensive, particularly flexible or particularly appealing: here you will find a perfect office in Wiesbaden.
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Searching successfully in Wiesbaden
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The trendy office with a view over the city, professional coworking or unique rooms – discover the most popular flexible office solutions in Wiesbaden.
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Rent office space in Wiesbaden
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More than 5,000 years ago, the first settlers came. Then came the Romans with their thermal baths and fortresses. And now ShareYourSpace is coming to Wiesbaden – with flexibility and sustainability for the office market in your luggage!

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Your future office in Wiesbaden

What does your desired office look like? There are different possibilities on ShareYourSpace in Wiesbaden: Full service offices for your teams or work rooms for you and your employees. Desk areas or a booking for creative workshop, meeting and conference rooms.


A variety of offers awaits you: from sublet office space in companies, hotel and conference rooms, to professional coworking spaces, desks in open-plan offices to special spaces with a view.

Office rental in Wiesbaden - you decide the general conditions

Wiesbaden is attractive as a location for companies from many industries and is not overpriced like other major cities in Germany. This is why office sharing is of growing interest as a solution in the new world of work. On average, the square meter of office space for rent in Wiesbaden costs 10.30 €. In the city center, the maximum values are up to €14.00. 


On the other hand, if you rent a shared office on a temporary basis through ShareYourSpace, prices are often lower.

Working in Wiesbaden

With a beautiful location and a solid infrastructure, Hesse's state capital Wiesbaden is an ideal location for well-known medium-sized companies such as Mewa, Auction & Markt, Vitronic, TIM and SVA as well as large companies such as Abbott and AbbVie. The European and German headquarters of Ferrari, Panasonic, SGL Group and Henkell can also be found in Wiesbaden.


There is a balanced mix of industries, high-tech companies and IT companies, as well as a large number of service companies, which have a significant influence on the city's reputation as an important service location. Especially in the communication design sector, the city is an attractive place for creative minds.

Living in Wiesbaden

Wiesbaden is a green city in the middle of the Rhine-Main area, with a wide range of cultural and leisure activities. As a popular spa and congress town as well as one of the preferred places of residence in the Rhine-Main region, Wiesbaden attracts many people. Since the 19th century, the cityscape has been characterized by representative residential buildings, hotel palaces and elegant villas.


The city offers food and wine from the Rheingau to gourmets. It is always a pleasure to cycle to the Rhine or to go on a hike, for example on the Rheinsteig, one of the most beautiful hiking trails in Germany, which leads to Koblenz. Art and culture are also of high importance in Wiesbaden with the Staatstheater, one of the most impressive opera halls in Germany.

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